About the Center

The Virginia M. Satir Center, Inc. is a non-profit corporation funded in part by private donations and by the generous support from the Being Human Foundation.  The Center aims to provide opportunities for people to experience, learn, and eventually embody the Satir Growth Model.  

We have seen firsthand the profound transformations that can occur when the philosophies, ideas, and models developed by Virginia Satir are applied. Through our work, we hope to carry forward her ideals and practical tools into the modern era. Together by applying & embodying this work, we hope to create much-needed systemic change.

The power of the Satir Growth Model is its wide application. At the Center, we facilitate experiences that teach the Satir Growth model across many different contexts including:

  • Individual, couples or family therapy

  • Personal growth or professional application

  • Small businesses & large corporations

  • Teams & organizations of varying sizes

  • Any group or system seeking growth and change.  

Experiences &
Learning Opportunities

  • Taught by those who have extensive training and expertise in the Satir Model.  All aspects of the Satir Model will be taught through experiential learning and practice over the course of one day to one week.  Participants will have the opportunity to work in both large groups and small groups or triads.  Many of these workshops and seminars will offer CEUs. 

  • a week-long in person training experience now led by Jean McLendon and other expert Satir Growth Model Trainers.  The weeklong is comprehensive in scope and brings together individuals who seek knowledge and skills in the use of then Satir Growth Model.

    See the Satir Intensive Program page to learn more.

  • Coaching & Professional Development will be offered to professionals who wish to deepen their skills in the application of the Satir Model.  The professional seeking supervision will regularly meet with a Satir trained professional to staff cases, ask questions and receive guidance from an experienced practitioner. 

  • Graduate Student Field Placements are offered to students in schools of Social Work and related fields.  The student will shadow a Satir practitioner and may, if appropriate, meet with clients using the Satir Model. Contact admin@virginiasatircenter.com for more information

  • This three year certification program accepts advanced practitioners who share the mission of the Virginia M. Satir Center to build and sustain the legacy of Virginia Satir’s work.

    See the Legacy Program page for more details.


While the Center offers programs and experiential trainings virtually and in-person throughout the world, the Center’s central hub is located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where a majority of in-person events are offered.  

Chapel Hill is a vibrant community and the home of the University of North Carolina.  In addition to an academic community,  Chapel Hill, attracts a large population of “ transplants” and retirees.  Music, art, culture, sports and many diverse restaurants offer a variety of things to do and see.  Raleigh, the capital city of North Carolina and Durham, home of Duke University and known for its racial diversity, form the “Triangle” with each being very accessible to the other. Chapel  Hill is located in the central piedmont, with easy access to both the coast and the mountains.  RDU International Airport is about a twenty mile drive to Chapel Hill. 

Virgina M Satir Center Chapel Hill NC U.S.A.
Satir Chapel Hill NC